Graphic Formats
JPG/JPEG or Joint Photographic Experts Group: This deals with photographs and is probably the most common file type you have probably ever seen. Its a method that is created specifically for photographs. Its a method compression that keeps as much information in the photo it can (colors, digital info, etc) and keeping the file size to storage and email. Its also the file type digital cameras capture photos in and store on the memory card. This is appropriate for both web and print and can be opened by anyone.
GIF or Graphic and Illustrations: these are non- Photographic file types that is limited to a 256 color palette and can be used for animation effects on the web. This is the reason why it can't be used for photos. The fun flashing words on a websites and side bars are all GIF.
PNG or Portable Network Graphics: This was created as a superior alternative to the GIF. The PNG files format supports truecolor(16 million colors). This file excels when the image has large, uniformly colored areas like an illustration but can also be used to edit photos because of its turecolor content but because of its massive file sizing for photos its not used for a photographs.
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TIFF or Tagged Image File Format:TIFF is very common for transporting color or gray-scale images onto layout applications, but is less suited to delivering web content. These files are large and of very high quality. With images that are highly portable; most graphics, desktop publishing, and word processing applications to understand them. Because the files so large and because there are so many possible variations of each TIFF file type. Few web browsers can show them with out plug ins.
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