Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Talilia_Gadbaw_Adobe Flash Stick Figure

                                  Adobe Flash: Stick Figure

I made a moving stick figure in Adobe Flash. My stick figure walks into the back stage of a concert and starts jumping around and dancing to the music. He also does kicks and winks at you before he leaves the stage. Some helpful tips, make sure to use tons of layers. Whatever object you want to move make a separate layer for it. This is because it comes out a lot smoother when playing on the screen. Also when working with anything in Adobe Flash make sure that you save all the time. If not the system will be forced to shut down wich makes you lose all your work you did and takes you back to the last place you saved and it becomes very frustrating.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Talilia_Gadbaw_Member ship card

            Member Ship Card

I made this member ship card in Adobe Fireworks. I started off by making to rectangles with the shape tool. I then changed the color of the background with the color tool. I also changed the color of the logo tool with the paint bucket tool. I then used the font tool to type the information needed for the member ship card and used the scale tool to move things around.

Talilia_Gadbaw_Member Ship and Business

                          Member Ship and business cards


 I made this in Adobe Firework.I started off with the back ground and used the color tool to change the color. Then I used the logo and changed the color of the background with the paint bucket tool and added a Gradient to it. Next I used the Fount tool to type my info. I then used the scale tool to move things around and make it look like a Business Card.



I made this business card in Adobe Fireworks. I started off with the background and used the color tool to change the color. Then I changed the color of my logos background with the paint bucket tool. Next I used the font tool to type my information and change the font size. I also used the scale tool to move things around and reshape things.





 I made this business card in Adobe Fireworks. I changed the background color with the color tool. Then for the logo I changed the background by using the paint bucket tool. I then used the font tool to type the information for it and to change the font color and sizes.



 I made this member ship card in Adobe Fireworks. I first started off with using the shape tool to make to rectangles. I then coped and past the first rectangle and made a second one. Then I changed the color with the color tool. I used the font tool to type the information need for this card. Finley I used the scale tool to move the stuff around to make it look more professional.

I made this member ship card by making a rectangle with the shape tool and coped and pasting the rectangle I made to make another one. I then used the logo and changed the color of the background by using the bucket tool. I then used the font tool to type my information and used the scale tool to move things around.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Talilia_ Gadbaw_ Walt Disney Card

                                 Walt Disney Business Card

I made this in Adobe Fireworks. I first started off by putting the image I created on a canvas and changed the canvas to the same color as the image I created with the color tool. Then I used the Font tool to type the information on the business card and changed the font and size. Then I used the Shape tool to make the squares at the bottom and then used the color tool to pick the colors I used off my Business card. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Walt Disney Business Card Logo_Talilia-Gabdaw

                             Walt Disney Business Card Logo

I made this in Adobe Fireworks. First I started off by finding 4 pictures of Walt Disney logos and just Walt Disney pictures to help me make my Logo card. Then I started off with the Walt Disney blue castle. Then I made a Micky Mouse head with the shape tool and made to small circles for the ears and one big one for the head. Then I made them have a dark drop shadow and knocked out the circles so you couldn't see them so it was just the shadow. Then I used the line tool to make a ton of lines and used the Freeform tool to make the lines bend. I also used the scale tool to change the size and change the angle. When I was done I groped them Together and added a Drop Shadow to it and knocked them out so you could just see the shadow. I also changed the background color to white on some of them so they would look a little different.  

Talilia Gadbaw-Black Swan Business Card

Black Swan Business Cards

                                          Basic Level

I made this in Adobe Fireworks. I started off with the background and made a whole bunch of triangles in a small row with shape tool. Then I Grouped them together and made them as my background. Then I used the Font tool to type my information and chose a font style. Then I got a picture of a swan and did a crazy color and design in it. Then I used the scale tool to move it a little. I also added a Drop Shadow to it.

                                                 Mid level

For this one I made a dark soothing back ground color with the color tool. Then I used the font tool to put my information on it. Changing the font and the size to what I wanted. Then I made the swans. The swans have a circle gradient and out there outline is a different color. I also made them angled up to the corner with the scale to from smallest to largest.



 For this one I made the Background black. Then I put the information in with the font tool and chose the font size and style I wanted. Then I made the swan black with an inner White Bevlen Boss. I also used the scale tool to re size the swan and make it look bigger.














Monday, February 25, 2013

Talilia deer-pointalism

             Pointillism Baby Deer

For this I used Adobe Fireworks. First I found the pictures off line and changed them to gray scale. Then I used the Pointillism on both and used a verity of dot sizes but mostly 10. I started off by outlining the deer on both pics and then doing the background.